
Here’s a Story That Just Keeps on Giving

Andrea Jaeger [July 19] appears to be an absolute gem and I am sure the kids love her. Her selfless actions offer an example to all and her self-deprecating manner is all the more endearing. It is quite obvious, for her, this a labor of love and nothing could be more fulfilling than that. Her efforts will help countless numbers of sick children to cope and will offer them the opportunity to experience simple pleasures, so often denied them, due to lack of circumstance or money.

A beautiful story and I would like to thank Mr. Plaschke for bringing it to everyone’s attention.


Kanata, Canada


Bill Plaschke’s article about Andrea Jaeger’s Silver Lining Ranch charity was touching. Less moving, however, is the charity’s Los Angeles auction sponsorship--Acura Classic Kids Stuff Benefit. Is there any place where corporate names aren’t appropriate? I wonder when we’ll see space rented on headstones.



Beverly Hills
