
This Is a Workout That’s Got Kick

“Kick Butt”

Brentwood Home Video

$12.99 plus $4.50 shipping and handling

45 minutes

If your secret fitness fantasy is being strong and skilled enough to whip someone, this video may indulge you. The title alone is inspiring. The workout teaches basic mechanics of kick boxing, an exercise fad sweeping gyms across the country. The exercises, which combine strength and conditioning moves, are led by European kick-boxing champion Badrino Kocktane. The mechanics are not difficult to follow, and safety measures are well-stated. In some places, however, it’s a little hard to hear the instruction. The format includes a warm-up, aerobics, hand weights, stretching and cool-down. Other than hand weights, no other equipment or gloves are needed. To order, call (800) 522-5223.
