
Orange Coast to Offer Intersession Courses

For the second time in its 50-year history, Orange Coast College will offer an intersession this academic year.

The intersession classes are to run between the fall 1997 and spring 1998 semesters. The two- and four-week classes will begin the week of Jan. 5.

“We offered the program for the first time last year, and it was a huge success,” said Dick E. Marsh, dean of the college’s social and behavioral sciences division.


Five classes are being offered again this year, and all are from the social and behavioral sciences division.

Four-week courses that offer three units of credit each will meet 14 hours per week. Four-week, two-unit courses will meet eight hours per week. A two-unit course will meet for two weeks, 16 hours each week.

The college’s fall semester classes conclude Dec. 19. Spring classes will begin Jan. 20.

Information: (714) 432-5072.
