
Wilson Vetoes Ban on Cheap Guns

I read with a mixture of bitter amusement and grim irony your report regarding Gov. Pete Wilson’s veto of legislation ending the manufacture of “Saturday night specials” in California (Sept. 27).

Wilson’s ostensible rationale for vetoing this legislation--that it would impair the poor’s ability to defend themselves--places a palpable strain on credulity. One cannot help but recall the countless homeless children who will be turned away from National Guard armories this winter courtesy of the good governor’s unflagging compassion for the poor. “Pistol Pete” Wilson, you are no Mother Teresa.


Los Angeles


* Gov. Wilson said millions of Californians have felt the need to own concealable weapons to protect themselves, their families and their property. Finally, thank heavens, someone in this state holding a position of power has the brains to understand and the guts to speak the truth.


What California needs is to legalize for all law-abiding residents the right to carry concealed weapons. Would-be criminals will be more apprehensive about committing violent acts knowing their victims and possible witnesses are carrying loaded weapons.

What society cannot tolerate is to yank guns out of the hands of innocent people, thus giving violent felons an even easier grip on their prey. The efforts of Sen. Dianne Feinstein, an absolute embarrassment to this state with her anti-guns stances, must be defeated.


Los Angeles


* The poor do need protection. They need protection from a governor who denies them food stamps, child care, job training and decent medical care and then defends their right to buy cheap handguns.



Morro Bay


* The governor’s veto of the gun bill along with his anti-affirmative action stance shows that he is not on the side of a majority of Californians but rather on the side of whomever he thinks will help him in his next political campaign.


Mission Viejo


* Gov. Wilson vetoes the cheap gun prohibition “to protect poor families.” Ha! This is just another example of special interests that the Republicans always kowtow to. As a 70-year-old lifelong Republican, I have had it with all of the so-called Republican leaders. They either kowtow to special interests or want to pass tax bills and education programs that benefit only the rich.

When are we going to get a Republican Party that is in the center and attempts to pass legislation that is good for the country and the average person? Probably not in my lifetime, so I will separate my vote so the presidency and Congress are controlled by separate parties and also state government.



La Quinta


* Robert Scheer’s attack on Wilson for vetoing the “Saturday night special” bill is without logic (Column Left, Sept. 30). In my 33-year military career I was often surrounded by thousands of young men and women who were armed with loaded assault weapons and handguns. There was no crime. When was the last time some crook tried to hold up a gun show? It is very simple, inanimate objects don’t make moral decisions, people do. The crime rate is down because the prisons are keeping the criminals where they belong.

As long as there are those who would restrict the freedom of the law-abiding in order to feel good about stopping crime, this country will have a crime problem. The safety issue lacks statistical reality, but if criminals are using guns that blow up in their hands, why make them pick safer guns? Thank God for leaders like Pete Wilson who have the courage to go after the real source of the crime problem.


San Diego


* Hooray for Scheer. He’s right on in pointing out the hypocrisy of Wilson in using an “affirmative action” argument (guns should be available for the poor) in vetoing a bill that would have applied the same law to American-manufac- tured “junk” handguns that federal law applies to guns manufactured abroad. Congratulations to state legislators for their courage in passing the legislation and boo to Wilson for his cowardly veto.


Los Angeles


* If the poor are entitled, like the rest of us, to affordable guns for self-defense, couldn’t they be issued vouchers so they could purchase the weapon of their choice?


Los Angeles
