
City’s 82nd Birthday to Be Marked by Parade, Events

Residents will celebrate the city’s 82nd birthday this weekend and Oct. 25 with a variety of events.

Founders Day activities will begin Friday with a golf tournament at Bixby Village Golf Course at 2 p.m. There will be a $30 fee to play the nine-hole course.

Saturday’s Day on the Greenbelt activities will include a parade, a horseshoe tournament, rides, games and a concert. A sidewalk sale on Main Street and in the Seal Beach Center will also be held.


On Sunday, a Save the Pool fund-raising luau is scheduled at the Seal Beach Pool from 5 to 7:30 p.m. Proceeds from Founders Day events will go to help restore the community pool.

On Oct. 25, a bowling tournament at Rossmoor Bowl and a Monster Mash party for children are scheduled. The bowling tournament will be from 1 to 3 p.m., and the Monster Mash from noon to 3 p.m.
