
Investigations of Clinton, Gore

Susan Estrich’s “One Step Closer to an Independent Counsel” (Opinion, Oct. 5) unfortunately left me with many more unanswered questions than answers regarding the Clinton-Gore fund-raising capers and Atty. Gen. Janet Reno’s response. While I was searching for that $2,300 economic windfall from the Clinton-Gore years I came up with a few questions for Estrich to seek answers for, in her next defense piece.

The 900 FBI files? Craig Livingstone? The “coffee” tape bloopers? Travelgate and use of the IRS? Webster Hubbell’s “FOB wheel of fortune”? Flights for cash on Air Force One? Motel 1600? Roger Tamraz? Vince Foster’s posthumous suicide note?

As for Estrich’s crediting of President Bill Clinton and Vice President Al Gore for the present and past economic conditions--isn’t this the same administration that was dragged, kicking and screaming by a Republican Congress to a balanced budget, welfare reform and tort reform?



Los Angeles

I had to laugh out loud when I read Estrich’s description of Reno as “fiercely independent,” when it was widely reported that she figuratively crawled to Clinton, begging him to keep her in his Cabinet as attorney general during his second term.

This doesn’t read as fiercely independent in my book.


Santa Barbara

I’m all for the investigation. But only if every single elected official in Washington is investigated equally. What’s wrong for one should be wrong for all. Remember, Clinton also lives in the White House, so calls he made from there are also from his personal residence. Regardless that it’s the White House, it is also his home. So let’s get the phone company to check all the calls made by all the elected officials from their home phones as well, because that’s what they are demanding that the world do to our president.

It’s a wonder he has time to be president with everyone working overtime to find some new way to vex him. If the “conservatives” hate him so much, maybe they should try praying for him. After all, he is the leader of the free world.




Would you vote for anyone for president or vice president who was so dumb he would leave the house to make a phone call?

Also, how would the calls differ, in content, if they were made “in house” or not?


Palm Springs

Bill Press closes “Is It Stupidity or Incompetence” (Commentary, Oct. 7) with, “It’s getting harder and harder to defend this White House gang.” Is this another indication that this administration may yet implode? When the likes of Press bail out, it must be a sign of something ominous for this crew.



As proof that God answers prayer, I offer up the Oct. 7 Commentary page. First Robert Scheer praises the Promise Keepers, then Press blasts Clinton as unethical. Wow! Just so you know, I’m now redoubling my efforts for the rest of the editorial staff!



Santa Monica

What a strange coincidence! First, 18 minutes of sound mysteriously disappear from Nixon’s Watergate tapes and now the same thing happens to the audio portion of one of Clinton’s coffee klatsch tapes. The Oval Office must be haunted. Talk about deja voodoo!


Playa del Rey

Re Michael Ramirez’s Oct. 8 cartoon: Nixon refused to release tapes, claiming “executive privilege.” Clinton belatedly released tapes, claiming “executive ignorance.”

These moves should prove once and for all that the jackass is the political symbol for both parties.


