
Basketball Court Cut From Park Plans

Concerned about the potential noise from bouncing balls and loud players, the City Council approved the new Shalimar Drive park without a proposed basketball court.

Preliminary sketches show apartment buildings too close to a proposed half-court, which city park commissioners recommended against. City Council members agreed.

“Parks need to be good neighbors,” Councilman Joe Erickson said.

The council on Monday did, however, approve a tot lot, swing set, benches, greenery, planters and other amenities for the 7,200-square-foot complex at 782 Shalimar Drive.


Landscape architects will create final designs for council approval. A building date has not been set. Construction will cost $157,000.

Continuing its commitment to improving the Shalimar district, the city in April acquired a boarded-up building, scheduled for demolition, as a park site in the area once plagued by gangs and drugs.
