
Bullfrog Owner Says It’s Likely Roller Hockey League Will Fold

Bullfrog owner Maury Silver says there is a good chance the financially struggling Roller Hockey International will fold. The league’s fall meeting was postponed Monday for the second consecutive month.

Originally scheduled to be held in September, the annual meeting was reset for Nov. 24 because league CEO Larry King hasn’t come up with funds to pay postseason bonuses due players. Each Bullfrog is owed about $3,800 for winning the Murphy Cup.

Silver said six remaining team owners and two prospective team owners have hired an attorney and have given King 10 days to come up with the money or face legal action.


“Unless the owners step up to the plate soon, there is no more league,” Silver said.

King maintains the league is broke because he spent $320,000 last summer to keep the now-defunct Ottawa franchise afloat.
