
Furry Friends Visit Elderly

What’s a pig doing in the Jewish Home for the Aging?

Just visiting.

About a dozen residents of the Reseda home were visited Tuesday by various animals--birds, a cat, a ferret, a rabbit and Peggy Sue the potbellied pig--from the C&C; Petting Zoo. Bunny Gartner was at the home to visit her mother, Lillian Smith, when she saw Peggy Sue scurry down the corridor.

“Look Ma, a pig in the Jewish home. It’ll burn for sure,” Gartner said. What was next, she asked in mock surprise, Christmas trees? A resident quipped that it was OK because the pig was Kosher.

Michael Turner, spokesman for the home, said the residents greatly enjoyed the visit. Some who don’t normally respond to people responded to the animals, he said.


“Sometimes the animals are the only visitors they get all week,” said Carolyn Bernal, owner of C&C; Petting Zoo.
