
California IPO Calendar

The following is a list of California-based companies that have scheduled first time sales Firm, city: Compas Plastics, Gardena

Industry: Electronics

Amount filed (millions): $12.0

Current range: $8.50-9.50

Lead Manager: Cruttenden Roth


Firm, city: Galvestons Steakhouse, Riverside

Industry: Restuarants

Amount filed (millions): $8.25

Current range: $8.25

Lead Manager: Nichols Safina


Firm, city: Signature Eyeware, Inglewood

Industry: Eyeglass

Amount filed (millions): $18.0

Current range: $9.00-11.00

Lead Manager: Fachtor, Detweiler


Firm, city: Megabios,Burlingame

Industry: Hi-tech

Amount filed (millions): $30.0

Current range: $11.00-13.00

Lead Manager: Montogomery


Firm, city: Ill Fornaio, San Franciso

Industry: Restaurants

Amount filed (millions): $14.62

Current range: $9.00-10.50

Lead Manager: Montgomery


Firm, city: Quicklogic, Sunnyvale

Industry: Software

Amount filed (millions): $36.0

Current range: $11.00-13.00

Lead Manager: Duetsche Morgan


Firm, city: Big Dog Holdings, Santa Barbara

Industry: Retail

Amount filed (millions): $45.5

Current range: $12.00-14.00

Lead Manager: Robertson


Firm, city: Faroudja, Sunnyvale

Industry: Digital TV

Amount filed (millions): $34.5

Current range: N/A

Lead Manager: Robertson


Firm, city: OSI Systems, Hawthorne

Industry: Manufacturing

Amount filed (millions): $49.95

Current range: $13.00-14.00

Lead Manager: Robertson


Firm, city: Petersen Cos., Los Angeles

Industry: Publishing

Amount filed (millions): $172.5

Current range: N/A

Lead Manager: Morgan/Donaldson


Firm, city: White Cap Holdings, Costa Mesa

Industry: Consumer

Amount filed (millions): $86.25

Current range: N/A

Lead Manager: Donaldson Lufkin
