
* Annual per capita consumption of bottled...

* Annual per capita consumption of bottled water, U.S.: 11 gallons; California: 27 gallons

* Units of blood needed per day in the United States for critically ill patients: 40,000

* Percent of all Americans who wear eyeglasses or contact lenses: 54

* Fat grams in 8 ounces of skim milk: less than 1

* Fat grams in large taco salad with shell: 61

* Percent of U.S. adults who smoke every day: 21; some days: 4.5

* Recommended space from end of longest toe to end of shoe: one-half inch

* Recommended maximum heel height for shoes: 2 1/4 inches

* Number of women who say their shoes are painful: eight of 10

* Percent of Americans who believe regular exercisers are more productive on the job: 70

* Number of health clubs, U.S., 1996: 13,354

Sources: International Bottled Water Assn.; America’s Blood Centers; the American Dietetic Assn.’s Complete Food & Nutrition Guide; American Cancer Society (citing 1994 smoking habit study); American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons; International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Assn.
