
Fasting Tapes Leave Listener Hungering for More

The 3-Day Energy Fast By Pamela Serure; Harper Audio

Two cassettes Length: 3 Hours $18

You really have to be a believer to fork over almost $20 for this audio, designed to detoxify your body as well as your soul. Nothing wrong with that.

Essentially, Pamela Serure wants you to take three days off, relax and reevaluate. But there is so much psychobabble in her writing that it borders on bad clichi. Not helping much is her thick Brooklyn accent and uneven delivery. Even if you could ignore her hippie-dippy style, there is a basic problem with an audio in which recipes are an important factor, as it leaves one with the onus of taking notes.

The guided meditations are, of course, another matter, and are perfectly suited to audio. Unfortunately, Serure’s are quite short and generally unimpressive.


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