
Ken Khachigian

With that paragon of ethical behavior, Richard Nixon, as a former employer, it’s no wonder that Ken Khachigian might be a bit confused about the concept of personal responsibility and accountability. In “Calling Drug Abuse Illness Is Sickness,” (Aug. 31) Khachigian touts the usual simplistic, right-wing solution for America’s drug problem: punishment mixed with righteous moral indignation.

If Khachigian really believed in personal responsibility and accountability, he heartily would promote the idea of drug decriminalization. When drugs are decriminalized and made readily available at reasonable prices, the onus of responsibility will shift to the individual user as opposed to foreign drug cartels and organized crime.

Why do we spend so much of the taxpayers’ hard-earned cash incarcerating those folks who have chosen the irresponsible path of drug usage instead of helping them? Khachigian is in league with the other pseudo-patriotic conservatives who pay lip service to freedom, liberty and responsibility.



San Clemente

* Kudos to Ken Khachigian for his excellent column on drug abuse. We’re never going to get this problem licked until officials stop making excuses and get tough on abusers.

What kind of example are we setting for today’s children?


Los Alamitos
