
City Expected to Oppose Third Golf Course at Park

City officials have looked at the proposed future of Mile Square Regional Park and they aren’t happy.

In fact, they are so dismayed over the Orange County Board of Supervisor’s plan to replace 388 acres of the park’s open space with a golf course, that council members are working to officially denounce the proposed use.

Championed by Councilman Mark Leyes, the City Council is expected to vote late this month on a resolution condemning plans to turn soccer fields, archery areas, model airplane landing strips and public walkways into the park’s third golf course.


“A lot of the hobbyists live in Garden Grove and this is a regional park,” City Manager George Tindall said. “There are already two golf courses in the park and to have three defies logic.”

Bob Richards, president of the Save Mile Square Park Committee and a model plane enthusiast, congratulated city officials for “communicating their constituents’ viewpoint.”
