
Hike in Soda Price to Fund Student Training Program

The price of soft drinks will rise 25 cents at the Rose Bowl to help fund a school program to train students for the hospitality industry, the City Council has decided.

Council members approved the price hike this week as part of a deal that gives the concessionaire, Service America, a new 10-year contract and exclusive rights to sell food and drinks in the stadium without having to bid against competitors.

In an effort to secure the contract, Service America offered to build $2 million in concession stands, provide $50,000 to launch the Pasadena Unified School District hospitality training program and give $15,000 annually for nine years to support its operation.


That money would be in addition to about $40,000 that will be generated each year from the soft drinks price increase.

Last week, a subcommittee composed of three council members balked at the plan after UCLA, which plays at the Rose Bowl and by contract receives a share of concession revenues, refused to give up its share of the 25-cent increase. But over the weekend, Service America agreed to increase the amount of money it will pay to the district to make up for any loss of revenue to UCLA.
