
Administrators’ Retreat Fuels Call for District Audit

Accusing Pasadena schools officials of spending $30,000 on a Newport Beach retreat for dozens of administrators, a parent presented a petition signed by more than 1,000 residents demanding an independent audit of the school district.

The petition was handed over Monday to the City Council and school board at a joint meeting of the two agencies.

Rene Amy cited district records showing that the board approved spending about $23,000 for accommodations and another $7,000 for consultants to lead the three-day August retreat. He said it is excessive spending by the district and warranted the audit that would examine internal controls on spending.


School Board President Lisa Fowler in an interview said the Pasadena Unified School District already conducts an annual audit and that rather than helping the district, Amy’s efforts are harmful.

School board member George Padilla said annual retreats are a tradition that allow administrators to prepare for the school year. In recent years, retreats have been held in Ventura and Palm Springs,” he said.

The school board is hoping voters in November will approve a $240-million bond issue to pay for the repair to outdated and rundown school buildings.
