
Neighbors Oppose Reopening of Spanish Kitchen Restaurant

A decision to permit a long-closed restaurant on Beverly Boulevard to reopen has been opposed by neighbors, who maintain that the establishment would cause parking, crime and noise problems.

Emily Gabel-Luddy, assistant zoning administrator, said the conditional-use permit she granted on Aug. 29 to the Spanish Kitchen--closed since 1961--named 50 conditions the restaurant must meet in order to reopen.

Gabel-Luddy said she imposed the unusual conditions in order to appease parents and students at the nearby Yavneh Hebrew Academy who opposed the sale of alcohol so close to a school.


Under the conditions of the permit, the restaurant will not serve alcohol before 6 p.m. and is prohibited from having a separate bar area, live music or happy-hour pricing.

The restaurant also must designate a person to act as a liaison between the restaurant and the community, she said.

At least one homeowners group opposed the permit during the appeal period, which ended Monday, Gabel-Luddy said.


Jane Blumenfeld, chief of staff for City Councilman Mike Feuer, who represents the area, said the councilman felt the conditional-use permit struck a balance between neighbors, the restaurant owner and the city’s desire to clean up a longtime eyesore.
