
Celebrity Home Tell-Alls

Question from July 27:

What parts of celebrities’ homes would you most like to see?

The fishbowl they live in.


The monthly mortgage payment.

--ADAM A. GUZMAN, Venice

Their trash cans! Is Ed Begley, Jr. really recycling? Does Tommy Lasorda really guzzle that Slim Fast stuff? What exactly did Madonna do with those metal bras when they rusted out?! Diminished, uh, I mean, inquiring minds want to know. . . .


Celebrity junk drawers. I have the everyday junk drawer full of pens, tape, rubber bands and old coupons. Would a celebrity have an exotic junk drawer of diamonds, Learjet napkins and the odd award or two?

--KAREN PARRY, Redondo Beach

The Hi-Style Sty Suite in Miss Piggy’s ‘Chez Moi’ pied-a-mud.


The guest room . . . just in case I ever get invited to stay over.

--WERNER HAAS, West Hollywood

Oprah’s--for the fun of watching her try to pick the lock on the refrigerator.

--MARK MILLER, Los Angeles

Question for Aug. 3:

Custom car fanatics flock to the annual Blessing of the Cars to have their wheels blessed for safety (see story, this page). What items do you own that should be blessed?



Send replies of 25 words or fewer to Smart Aleck, SoCal Living, Los Angeles Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles, CA 90053, or e-mail [email protected]. Include your name and hometown.
