
A New Vision for for Ventura

<i> Jessica Cusick is public art supervisor for the city of Ventura</i>

Imagine a city where the hand of the artist has helped to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary. A city where benches and street lamps, bus stops and jogging trails are all works of art; where riding the bus, going shopping or taking a walk in the park become meaningful cultural experiences.

This is the vision that the city’s Public Art Commission has for Ventura. With “Traveler,” the recently completed art for the downtown parking structure, and six other projects in the planning, design or construction phase, the vision is well on its way to becoming reality.

One of the projects in the planning stage is the Grant Park reservoir. This park represents a significant asset for the residents of Ventura: a large parcel of green space at the heart of the city with dramatic vistas. The city is in the process of replacing the reservoir with a smaller one, and an artist will soon be selected to develop public art as part of this effort to enhance the site. The artist will develop an approach that will complement and build upon the investment the city is making in the park.


At 6 p.m. Tuesday, Elizabeth Smith, curator at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles, will present innovative approaches to transforming the environment in a talk titled “Artists in the Landscape.” Ms. Smith is an adjunct professor at USC and is known for her expertise in public art, architecture and urbanism. We encourage all interested people to attend this free lecture at Ventura City Hall and share their ideas of what public art can accomplish at Grant Park reservoir.

Artists have a long and evolving tradition of working with landscapes and the land. Where once their art was simply used to ornament parks and gardens, in recent times they have worked more directly--shaping earthworks, using plants to develop environmental projects and conceiving elaborate gardens. Through public art programs, artists are collaborating with landscape architects and engineers on initiatives as diverse as the new Getty Center, water filtration plants and land reclamation projects. The solutions they develop are as varied as the projects, combining aesthetic concerns with the exploration of issues such as water conservation or the history of a particular site.

Public art programs have the ability to transform the urban landscape, to inject insight or whimsy into the mundane. Public art works on multiple levels, enhancing the economic base of a city by improving property values and building cultural tourism, enhancing the image of a city and providing unique opportunities for community dialogue and the development of community identity. These programs have proven their value time and time again in cities throughout the country.


Critical to the success of any public art program are a number of key elements, first and foremost the support and input of a broad coalition of people. Artists and design professionals, neighborhood activists and elected officials must work together to identify critical public works projects and advocate the benefits of an enhanced design approach.

We live in a time in which the fine craftsmanship and sense of individuality that were the strengths of the City Beautiful movement and the Works Projects Administration are again prized. These efforts led to many beloved landmarks, such as the murals in the main Ventura post office. In recent years, the economic and social benefits that arise from thoughtful investment in our public buildings and spaces have again gained broad recognition, and numerous government initiatives have been developed to ensure that communities reap the benefits of a sensitive approach to public works design.

The city of Ventura is blessed with a community-minded citizenry and an enlightened city government. Together they have developed an ambitious vision to enhance and transform the physical fabric of our city, building upon its considerable existing assets. We hope that you will join us in making this vision a reality.
