
Battle Escalates Against Eucalyptus Infestation

Calling it a significant pest problem, Los Angeles Public Works officials on Friday joined the city parks department in fighting infestations of tiny pests attacking eucalyptus trees.

The bugs--red-gum lerp psyllids--first discovered a year ago in El Monte, are being found in street trees as well as in the parks, said George Gonzalez, chief forester of Public Works’ street tree division.

The two departments have joined in a pilot program to release natural predators of the bugs and to inject insecticide into trees in areas of heavy infestation.


Although the bugs have been discovered throughout the city, some of the heaviest infestations are in the San Fernando Valley, where vast groves of stately eucalyptus trees have thrived for decades in parks and along parkways, city officials said.

The Recreation and Parks Department began a pilot program in May to fight the pests by releasing millions of ladybird beetles, which feed on the insects. The departments also plan to release lacewing larvae, also a common predatory insect, and to use micro-injections of a low toxicity insecticide into the trees.
