
Campaign Funds and 2000 Election

Your Independence Day editorial on the new tyranny represented by huge campaign funds was more frustrating if you also consider two other prominent stories that appeared in the same edition, George W. Bush’s admission to the National Guard and the Vietnam War memorial in Westlake Village.

Bill Clinton, Bush and Dan Quayle, among many others, did not have the courage and character to serve in the military. Although I don’t pass judgment on their decision, because I may have taken the same route if I had had to make that decision, it should disqualify them from consideration for national office. If you don’t believe so, you haven’t visited the memorial.


North Hollywood


Low voter turnout among the general population of American voters is not because of apathy. The electorate has simply been disenfranchised by a closed two-party system of preselecting candidates. Certainly, the forthcoming presidential elections will scar the new millennium with yet another blow to our deeply wounded republic.


Indeed, presidential auction 2000 has already been held and sold to the highest bidders. Moreover, the electorate needn’t bother voting in the primary elections for congressional seats. They too will be auctioned off to the plutocracy long before the polls open.

Bush’s $36 million and Al Gore’s nearly $20 million (July 1) are little more than teasers compared to the value of hundreds of millions in coverage, wherein the news media’s corporate owners and advertisers will surely anoint the next president and every major officeholder.

Common sense tells us that the Fourth of July should serve as a reminder to reexamine ourselves, declare our independence and take back our right to the precious franchise of democracy.



Apple Valley


Re “Back-Room Crowd Having Its Way,” Opinion, July 4:

Robert G. Beckel says, “Wait until you hear about [Bush’s] Midland oil-patch deals. Can’t wait myself.” First he expresses an unsubstantiated negative opinion on a subject and then admits he doesn’t know anything about it. This is where I stopped reading.


Sun City
