
Hale’s Racism and 1st Amendment

A few months ago the media reported about a virulent racist who was denied admission to the Illinois Bar. I am an attorney, defender of the Bill of Rights and a 1st Amendment absolutist; however, I broke ranks with my fellow thinkers in the case of Matthew Hale, by supporting the decision of the state of Illinois. Hale’s conduct went beyond mere opprobrious speech. He actively attempts to convert impressionable children, high school kids and college students to his perverted philosophy. Like a pedophile, he uses the Internet and a camouflaged candy-coated Web site to lure the most young and innocent. He recruits on campuses. Hale doesn’t just “speak” but affirmatively acts with the intent to corrupt others. One of the fundamental tenets of Anglo-American jurisprudence is that a person cannot be punished for evil thoughts alone. Hale acted on his putrid beliefs. Consequently the decision to deny him bar membership on moral fitness grounds was constitutional.

Now it is apparent that killer Benjamin N. Smith was a disciple of Hale’s “church” (July 6). Currently, Hale’s only feelings of sorrow are for the murderer; he couldn’t care less about the victims. I was right about Hale, so why am I so sick to my stomach?




Does Hale’s World Church of the Creator have the status of a religious institution and is it thus exempt from paying taxes? And, if so, do other racist organizations have the same perks if they call themselves a church?



Los Angeles
