
Women’s Soccer

In reference to the public adulation of women’s soccer, media pundits ask: Will it last? Of course it will, for two reasons: First, although Title IX of the education act did level the playing field (at least on paper) for women’s and men’s sports, soccer is the only major sport in the U.S. that has not been dominated by men and I believe that we can thank the American Youth Soccer Organization for that. Second, it seems that the physical stamina required for soccer players is greater than both football and baseball combined! Women and girls are traditionally required to extend themselves physically for all manner of reasons--from lifting heavy children, running to keep up with their kids and the arduous physical tasks of housework (after they have put in a 40-hour work week!). Thus, it makes sense that women dominate the sport.

What’s more, men’s domination of baseball and football translates into incredibly high salaries for players and coaches. I wonder: Will we see the same when women’s soccer becomes America’s great national pastime?


Canoga Park

* Congratulations on your victory, ladies! Personally, I’m not much into soccer. (I’m more the stock car and bass boat type.) However, one has to admire the fact that national TV and more than 91,000 fans attended your game Saturday.


Perhaps this event will serve as a catalyst for little girls everywhere. No longer will they be relegated to cheerleading duties on the sidelines. Now, they can aspire to be part of the main event!


Simi Valley

* Thanks, Briana Scurry and the U.S. women’s soccer team, for providing me with my most important teaching moment so far this school year: your distasteful statement that your plan to break the rules and leave your goal line early during China’s penalty kicks was OK because “everybody does it,” and “it’s only cheating if you get caught” (July 11).

Fortunately, my third-graders see through you. They’ve decided they don’t want cheaters as role models, even if it means winning a shiny cup and getting to go free to Disneyland. There is hope.



Long Beach
