
Trade With China

* Re “Deny MFN to China? A Most Farcical Notion,” July 14: Jim Mann exposed the sad truth about the so-called most-favored nation debate; yes, normal trade relations with China are as secure as ever. Since we know MFN will be approved once again, let’s look at who benefits. The total dollar value for Chinese exports to the U.S. of textiles, apparel and footwear alone totaled $14 billion in 1996.

Yet, despite the expansion of U.S. business presence in China, sweatshop-factory conditions such as excessive overtime, arbitrary fines, corporal punishment and exposure to hazardous chemicals and workplace conditions remain chronic. A few American companies have signed a voluntary set of human rights principles developed by the International Labor Rights Fund and Global Exchange.

Since we can’t rely on Congress to take serious actions to curb these abuses, we must ask U.S. corporations what steps they are taking to ensure that their factories protect workers’ rights. Trade with China is inevitable. Exploitation of China’s citizens by U.S. corporations should not be.



International Labor Rights Fund

