
Checklist: This Weekend

Being prepared for an emergency can save you money as well as give you peace of mind. Stocking adequate food and supplies can protect you from price gouging, while having the tools to clean up after a disaster, such as a wrench to shut off a gas line, can limit damage to your home.

* Today: Review your disaster plan.

You can check out disaster-preparedness procedures and download a list of emergency supplies at, the Web site for the governor’s Office of Emergency Services, or contact your local emergency services office.

* Saturday: Practice disaster procedures.

Consider staging a dry run by living for a day without electricity, gas, phones or running water. A little playacting now can point out the holes in your disaster-preparedness plan and give you time to make adjustments.


* Sunday: Make preparations.

Stock up on supplies and consider establishing an out-of-state contact point--someone your friends and family can call, in the event of an emergency, to check in and get updates.
