
Tell Fido to Sit, but Don’t Stay

Dog might be man’s best friend, but when it comes to traveling with Puff or Cookie, the mood of hoteliers is decidedly cool.

Wendy Ballard, a Floridian with a bug for travel, discovered this for herself in 1993, when Sparky the beagle became part of her family. “We decided to take Sparky on our next trip,” says Ballard. “But when we called our favorite resorts, we found the welcome mat yanked out from under us.”

Instead of giving in to the kennel, Ballard started DogGone, a newsletter for other dog owners in her predicament. Highlights of recent issues include “Shopping With Sugar,” “A Dog Walking Tour in France” and “Canine Camping Tips.” And who could forget “Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something aah-Rooooo!,” a story about dogs at weddings. (Tip: If a flower girl will be tossing petals, make sure your dog won’t eat them on her way down the aisle. Dog vomit does not blend well with church carpet.)


Editorial coarseness aside, DogGone is full of great information, even for those who are perfectly happy to stay put. Did you know, for example, that June 25 is Take Your Dog to Work Day? Or that there’s a Web site devoted to dog parks (

It’s the doggone truth.

For more information, call 888-DOG TRAVEL. Or visit DogGone online at
