
Healthy Bestsellers


1. “Dr. Atkins’ New Diet Revolution,” by Robert C. Atkins (Avon, $6.50 paper)

2. “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff With Your Family,” by Richard Carlson (Hyperion, $9.95 paper)

3. “The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom,” by Don Miguel Ruiz (Amber-Allen, $12.95 paper)

4. “If the Buddha Dated: A Handbook for Finding Love on a Spiritual Path,” by Charlotte Kasl (Penguin/Arkana, $10.95 paper)


5. “One Day My Soul Just Opened Up,” by Iyanla Vanzant (Fireside, $13)

6. “Okay, So I Don’t Have a Headache: What I Learned (and What All Women Need to Know) About Hormones, PMS, Stress, Diet, Menopause--and Sex,” by Cristina Ferrare (Golden Books, $21.95)

7. “When Anger Hurts Your Kids: A Parent’s Guide,” edited by Matthew McKay (New Harbinger Publications, $12.95 paper)

8. “Protein Power: The Metabolic Breakthrough,” by Michael R. Eades and Mary D. Eades (Bantam, $6.50 paper)


9. “Sugar Busters,” by H. Leighton Steward (Ballantine, $22)

10. “40 30 30 Fat Burning Nutrition: The Dietary Hormonal Connection to Permanent Weight Loss and Better Health,” by Joyce and Gene Daoust (Wharton Publications, $16.95 paper)


Rankings are based upon Times’ poll of Southland bookstores.
