
Alhambra School Repair Bonds on Today’s Ballots

Voters in the Alhambra school district will cast their ballots today on two bond measures that if approved would provide $73 million to upgrade and repair campuses.

Measure A would provide $30 million to repair 13 elementary schools, and Measure AA would generate $43 million to rebuild the district’s four high schools, officials said. Both measures need more than two-thirds of the votes to succeed.

Bond supporters, who sent out half a dozen different mailings in recent weeks, said the improvements are needed to accommodate nearly 20,000 students in facilities that were built for fewer than 14,000 students. All the district’s schools are more than 30 years old, and some date to the 1930s.


More than $23 million of Measure AA would go to modernizing Mark Keppel High School, which officials say needs a new library and a renovated gymnasium.

School officials said earlier this year that the district estimated its campuses needed more than $150 million in upgrades but believes the community is willing to support half that amount.

Without approval of the $73 million, Alhambra will not be eligible for state matching funds.
