
For Kids: Where Nutrition Is Fun

It’s tough enough getting your kids to eat right. So why not let the computer help? The Kids Food Cyber Club, (, a Web site from the Connecticut Assn. for Human Services and Kaiser Permanente, makes nutrition fun. And much of the site is for kids only; no adults, please.

“Rate Your Plate” tests kids’ nutrition knowledge; we were told, “No, junk food is not a food group,” when choosing the wrong answer. “Nutrition Sleuths” leads users on an Internet scavenger hunt through similar Web sites. “The Garden Center” provides tips on growing what you eat, and the “Club Cookbook” features ice cream sodas, veggie salads and other culinary creations from contributors.

Yes, there is a spot for parents and teachers, and the latter can download a free teaching guide. But the site gives elementary school-aged kids a chance to learn--and eat right--on their own.
