

* Re “Coastal Communities Float Plans to Halt Beached Boats,” June 1: So glad to see the article on the Santa Barbara Fool’s Anchorage, until I reached the statement about live-aboards being “hand-me-down boats that provide homes to struggling seafarers who want to beat high apartment rental rates in town.” Please, please stop perpetuating the myths that live-aboards are struggling seafarers living in derelict boats and that it’s cheaper to live on a boat than to rent an apartment.

My husband and I are mid-40s professionals who have been living aboard a 34-foot sailboat for over 10 years and are neither struggling nor living cheaply. While it’s true that each harbor/anchorage has its share of derelict vessels and people, the majority of live-aboards are people who pay taxes and go to work every day, just like you.


Redondo Beach
