
Palau Crusade Planned

The Crystal Cathedral will host its 2nd annual Luis Palau Summer Crusade this weekend. Palau, often referred to as the Latin Billy Graham, has delivered his gospel message for more than 30 years through television, radio and tours throughout the world.

The crusade will include a youth night rally featuring Palau and music by contemporary artists Rebecca St. James and the ska band Sampo at 7 p.m. tonight. The free concert is expected to draw 1,200 young people.

Sunday, the cathedral will hold a Spanish crusade at 1 p.m. featuring Palau and other preachers. Sunday’s 6 p.m. service will feature Palau, Robert H. Schuller and music group Salvador. Palau will also speak at the cathedral’s 9:30 and 11:30 a.m. worship services Sunday.


The cathedral is at 12141 Lewis St. in Garden Grove. For information on the weekend’s events and services, call (714) 971-4000.
