
Humiliation Is Shaky Grounds for a Civil Rights Lawsuit

I have read and reread Jane E. Allen’s article on “Invisible Women” (June 21) and, in particular, the part about Michelle DuPont’s lawsuit against her new primary care doctor because he referred her to two other physicians in the same medical group. If DuPont smoked and the doctor had told her he would not continue to see her because he did not agree with her “lifestyle,” should that be covered under our civil rights laws too?

This lawsuit seems to belong in the “frivolous lawsuits” category. Even without the managed care changes, finding a competent and caring health-care provider today requires diligence from patients.

I have concerns that the American Civil Liberties Union would say humiliation deserves protection under our civil rights laws. I say this as a member of the ACLU and someone who supports civil and human rights for all persons, including gays and lesbians. There are many life-and-death instances of civil rights violations that need to be pursued by the ACLU. This seems a very weak case.



