
Gun Control Controversy

In “A Field Day for Cowards, Cynics” (Commentary, June 22) Robert Scheer lambastes Congress for failing to pass “reasonable gun control.” Maybe it is reasonable but it’s not smart gun control and this may be the reason that even with 20,000 gun laws nationwide, we still cannot seem to fix the problem.

Smart and informed gun control would recognize the huge misunderstanding about our nation’s gun law in the juvenile justice bill: All private firearms transactions are unregulated federally, not just gun show purchases. Licensed firearm dealers are the only ones legally obligated to conduct a background check on a buyer. Of course it’s a good idea to fix this loophole, but this bill would simply move the loophole, not close it. What about private transactions through magazines, classified advertising, the Internet or word of mouth?

This bill shows a gross lack of knowledge of our current laws; to support it only ensures another leak somewhere else.



Los Angeles


Re Michael Ramirez’s GOP gun cartoon, June 22: If only it were merely the case that the GOP is shooting itself with its gun safety politics. Unfortunately, it is the children of America who are shooting each other while the GOP takes NRA money and prevents reasonable gun policies.


Santa Monica


The proposition that teachers carry guns in order to avert such tragedies as Columbine is asinine (letter, June 23). Teachers are educators, not cops. This adds fuel to the fire. It essentially requires troublemakers to one-up the teachers, i.e., more powerful guns. (Thank God for the NRA.)

The more guns proliferate, the more Congress and citizens alike interpret the right to bear arms as carte blanche to arm themselves to the hilt, the more our nation will suffer tragedies due to use and misuse of guns. We have a constitutional right to free speech, yet we cannot shout “Fire!” in a crowded theater. We should also be limited in our right to bear arms.



