
Nonfarmers Hurt by Freeze Qualify for Aid

Gov. Gray Davis on Wednesday issued a state-of-emergency proclamation to help aid small, nonfarming businesses in Ventura County that suffered a financial loss after the pre-Christmas freeze.

The proclamation declares local businesses, such as packinghouses and trucking companies, eligible to apply for low-interest loans, said Deputy Agricultural Commissioner Alan Laird.

In late January, 18 counties in the state--including Ventura County--were declared federal disaster areas, opening the door for farmers who sustained heavy losses to apply for similar loans. Last month, the county also pursued federal aid for local field workers.


The requests for federal aid come in the wake of a severe cold snap Dec. 20-24, which caused $74.3 million in damage to citrus and avocado crops throughout the county.

The Office of the Agricultural Commissioner is asking local nonfarming businesses that suffered economic losses because of the freeze to detail those losses by March 20. The county needs the financial hardship information to request a disaster designation and funding from the federal Small Business Administration.

For more information on the nonfarming business loans, call Laird at 933-8415 or 933-3165.
