

County officials have announced the members of an advisory group to deal with the city’s possible annexation of Foothill Ranch and Portola Hills. The group’s first meeting will be held in early June. The districts, home to more than 15,000 people, are in unincorporated county areas.

The advisory committee, which will report to the Local Agency Formation Commission, has nine members. Five of them are residents of either Foothill Ranch or Portola Hills while the others are city and county officials. Mayor Peter Herzog and Councilman Richard Dixon will represent Lake Forest. The executive director of the Local Agency Formation Commission, Dana Smith, and someone from the county’s administrative unit will represent the county.

Mark Marten, Mike Ross and Davida Hopkins-Parham will represent Foothill Ranch; Brett Souza and Bill Meyer will represent Portola Hills. Marten is vice president of the Foothill Ranch Civic Council, the group that led efforts to make Foothill Ranch and Portola Hills a separate city.
