
Energy Plans Let You Plug Into Savings

“The All-Consuming Bills of an All-Electric Home” (Aug. 13), regarding the plight of all-electric-home owners, was very informative. I am currently in the process of having solar panels installed--no, I don’t have an all-electric home.

I understand that the cost might be prohibitive to those cash-strapped homeowners. To make the installation of solar panels possible, HUD, the EPA or the Energy Department (or another government agency) might give the owners a low-or no-interest loan.

The resulting decrease in electricity costs would provide almost immediate relief. The Los Angeles DWP provides a rebate of over 50% (in my case, anyway) of the total cost.


John K. Busch

Los Angeles


The baseline in the region where I live is the same for everyone, whether you’re all-gas, all-propane or all-electric. It doesn’t matter if you have a bigger house, more people, etc.

You can call Southern California Edison for an appointment to verify that your home is all-electric and receive a higher baseline, and the company will change your region to do this. I did this and was allocated a higher baseline. SCE customers can now save a lot of money on their utility bills.

Michele Johnson

Agua Dulce
