
Racial Set-Asides Show Lack of Faith

Re “White House Backs Race-Based Program,” Aug. 11: The dictionary defines “faith” as “confident belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a person, an idea, or a thing.” The U.S. is made up of minorities, and most of them have done tremendous jobs of making it financially here. They had faith in the system. And, for all its shortcomings, the system worked for them.

When a society favors racial background over talent and desire, that society treads perilously close to communism. Minorities who feel they have not had the success they deserve now claim a need for special consideration--each according to his need. They do not wish to go through the sometimes-difficult process of believing in an intangible thing like faith to come through for them.

And when an administration supports race-based organizations and faith-based organizations at the same time, it is talking out of both sides of its political mouth. The two are philosophical opposites.


Bret Hill

Laguna Beach
