
Mad Dogs, Gladiators Stay in a Football Sun

Football deaths. Apparently this is the biggest tragedy in the history of man, given all the coverage I’ve seen. As a society, we should be embarrassed that Jesse Jackson and Johnnie Cochran need to get involved so as to direct our focus on the players, make money and a bigger name for themselves, and not focus on the true problem.

So now this is a problem? Puhleeze! Just because these football deaths are in the news doesn’t mean they haven’t been occurring since the dawn of Rome, the gladiators and the Olympics. Remember, even in today’s instant information age, we know only what the news agencies and government tell us. The real issue can be found in the answer to this question: Why are these athletes risking their lives?

As an athlete from the New York area, I wouldn’t even mow the lawn when I was a kid if it was 90 degrees and 80% humidity! They do it for the promise of professional sports and money . That’s the problem. Until we refuse to pay millions upon millions of dollars to see professionals compete against each other, athletes will die trying to be the best. It starts from the top and works its way down. Look at the problems soccer and baseball leagues for 6-year-olds are having with parents.


Sports is not about fun anymore, it’s all about winning and proving your manhood. Until we reverse this trend, modern-day Darwinism will continue as more kids try to be “da man.”

Wake up, society, or at least stop being so surprised and looking for someone to blame. Just look in the mirror, you’ll see who’s to blame.

Ken Berkman

Los Angeles


With Jesse Jackson and Johnnie Cochran on the same team, the Northwestern Wildcats don’t have much of a chance. They have enough problems on the playing field and now they’re going to come up short in the courts. They should probably either drop football or raise tuition. Money is going to change hands here, either in the courts or under the table. Either way, I don’t think Jesse Jackson or Johnnie Cochran works for nothing.


Robert H. Williams

Monterey Park


What USC’s Petros Papadakis said about [dietary] supplements [Aug. 12] needed to be said and I thank him for sharing his experience. Perhaps athletes will take note and stop using them. I can understand why an athlete would use them. They are legal, but perhaps they shouldn’t be.

Austin Rheingold

San Pedro


I believe that there would never be another summertime football death from heatstroke if all coaches were required to dress the same for practice as the kids they coach--and then participate fully in every drill or exercise with the same effort that they expect from their players, and take only the water breaks that they allow the team.

Jan Miller

