
Dwindling Surplus Uses Social Security Funds

Re “White House Sees Shrinking Budget Surplus” (Aug. 23) and the Social Security trust fund: Those rascally Republicans are going to steal the old folks’ Social Security money.

What is this, sequel five or a rerun? Come on now, it was a silly story the first time around and isn’t any better today. Democrats will lose the White House again and again until they show just a glimmer of imagination.

William John Mikus

Beverly Hills


President Bush, defending his tax cut as the federal surplus shrinks, said, “The biggest threat to our recovery is for the Congress to overspend” (Aug. 22). Is the Congress “overspending” our money by investing in Bush’s “Star Wars” initiative?


Michael N. Antonoplis

Van Nuys


The photo of George W. Bush speaking in Independence, Mo., in front of an image of Harry Truman is indicative of the brazen duplicity of his Republican controllers (“Bush Stops Here,” Aug. 22). Truman hated all that Republicans stood for and said so plainly on many occasions. For this pretender to the presidency to pretend further that he honors Truman’s legacy is sickening to behold.

Carl Slate

Sherman Oaks
