
Company Town Film Profit Report

This report is based on projections of total U.S. box-office gross from a consensus of industry sources and studio financial models. The U.S. returns represent only 20% of a film’s final revenue, which includes income from video, TV and overseas theatrical release. Typical industry marketing costs are factored into this profit analysis. Results for the weekend of

Jan. 12-14:



* “Save the Last Dance” looks to be 2001’s first major profit maker.

* “Finding Forrester” and “Double Take” will each throw off a small profit, with the former having the chance to do slightly better than that.

* “Thirteen Days” may break even for New Line, which paid about $40 million for domestic rights to the film. Beacon has the overseas rights.


* “Anti-Trust” seems unlikely to break even, though MGM will not lose much, having acquired the rights in the U.S. and many foreign territories for less than $20 million.

$$ Mega-Moneymakers ($50 million or more in profit)


Projected Box- Estimated U.S. box-office office cost, in receipts, Movie title Studio rank millions in millions Cast Away Fox/DreamWorks 2 $90 $210 What Women Want Paramount 5 65 180 Save the Last Dance Paramount 1 13 80 Crouching Tiger Classics 9 15 75


$ Moneymakers ($10 million or more in profit)


Projected Box- Estimated U.S. box-office office cost, in receipts, Movie title Studio rank millions in millions Miss Congeniality Warner Bros. 8 $45 $95 The Family Man Universal 11 60 75 Traffic USA 3 50 75



? Tossups ($5 million in profit or loss)


Projected Box- Estimated U.S. box-office office cost, in receipts, Movie title Studio rank millions in millions Emperor’s New Groove Disney 10 $100 $80 Finding Forrester Sony 7 43 48 Thirteen Days New Line 6 80 40 Double Take Disney 4 24 30


Losers (more than $5 million in loss)


Projected Box- Estimated U.S. box-office office cost, in receipts, Movie title Studio rank millions in millions Anti-Trust MGM 12 $30 $14

