
Police Building to Be Remodeled

The Police Department building will undergo some remodeling in the next couple of months.

Right now, officers who write reports share a large room with the traffic and specialized gang activity units. The remodeling includes a wall to split that space and upgrades to the watch commander’s office and hallways and walls. The changes are part of the department’s reorganization efforts.

“It will put the managers in a central location to oversee patrol operations,” Capt. Robert Krauss said, “then . . . put the special operations units in closer proximity to the field operations.”

A pre-construction meeting will be held Tuesday.

Police officials pushed for the project for more than a year and gained approval for funding last year. Council members voted last week to approve a $35,000 contract with Hollister Construction Co. of Anaheim.


“We have not added a foot anywhere, just reshaping what we have,” Krauss added.
