
Dr. Gary Krieger; Backed Medi-Cal, Tough HMO Rules

Dr. Gary F. Krieger, 60, a San Pedro pediatrician and president-elect of the powerful California Medical Assn. who was a strong advocate of Medi-Cal and strict regulation of HMOs, died Sunday in Los Angeles of complications from a brain tumor.

Educated at USC and the University of Chicago Medical School, Krieger practiced medicine for more than 30 years and was an active leader in medical associations working for administrative reforms and satisfactory health care delivery.

Krieger wrote a column in the American Medical Assn.’s weekly American Medical News for many years and was co-chairman of the AMA’s medical staff section. He was president of the Los Angeles County Medical Assn. in 1987-88 and headed its Board of Trustees in 1990-91.
