
No Sympathy for Highly Paid Execs

How can a man live off just $1million after receiving a $12.3-million bonus last year [“Eisner’s Paycheck Humbled in 2001,” Jan. 5]?

Maybe Disney Chief Executive Michael Eisner will have to dig into the $576 million he received in 1997. It’s reported that even some of his staff had to get by on a mere $300,000 bonus, and now they have the gall to file a lawsuit against Michael Ovitz for the $140-million severance pay they gave him for all the work he did in his 14-month stay at Disney.

Do you think that maybe a larger cut in payroll for the likes of these execs might have saved the jobs of the 4,000 people they had to lay off?


Ed Redhead

Port Hueneme
