
Documenta’s Dullness

Thanks for Christopher Knight’s article and criticism of Documenta (“All Politics, Little Art,” July 7).

At the conclusion, he asks how the art establishment got so dull, and I have to answer: Chris, buddy, you have reviewed a dull show, what did you expect? The art establishment is dull and probably always has been.

Trying to sell art like burgers is gonna do that, you know, and here’s a good test: Call a gallery and ask if you can show them your work. You may or may not be surprised when they ask what school you went to instead of asking about your artwork. You certainly know that most galleries and museums are run by nice, smart, well-educated people with pretty dull, conventional ideas. Once in a while something cool slips through the deadening bureaucracy, but that is the exception to the rule.



Cal State San Bernardino
