
Teens Also Culpable in Pumpkin Killing Case

Re “Solomona Should Get Maximum Sentence,” Letters, June 2:

Bill Hoffine is right about a societal message being sent, but wrong about the needed message. The right message is clear: If you are a young adult, and you think breaking the law and harming others are amusing, don’t be surprised if you suffer a horrendous backlash. You can’t always count on law-abiding citizens to control their anger.

Maybe Pete T. Solomona showed poor judgment in approaching the car with a loaded gun. But he wasn’t the one who precipitated the altercation. A 17-year-old is not a harmless prankster, and the presence of two young men can be life-threatening.

These young adults were out looking for trouble, evidenced by the fact that another person previously had chased them in his car after they threw something at him. These young men “sowed the wind and reaped the whirlwind” for their cruel actions.


Robert Spencer

