
Independence Will Improve Hollywood

Re “Hollywood Tryout for Secession to Join Valley Bid on Ballot,” June 6: Hooray for Hollywood--finally! Thanks to the visionary Gene La Pietra, who should be praised, not vilified, for having the guts to take on the project to save Hollywood. He is selflessly focusing his time, money and energy on offering a new and exciting future to a city too long neglected by L.A. City Hall. By the way, has anybody driven through West Hollywood lately? Independence has never looked better.

Halina Torchia

Los Angeles


In the midst of the joy of the Hollywood secessionists getting on the ballot, did anyone mention the status of business and/or property assessments? Will they remain at the same level or be raised? That’s a lot of “alimony” that would be due to Los Angeles that the breakaway enthusiasts so carelessly chat about, not to mention the ludicrous proposal of folks who want to borrow millions in “start-up” funds. When is that planned for repayment?

I pity the poor working stiff who not only rents business space in the proposed city of Hollywood area but rents living quarters there, also, and who thinks it’s going to be just dandy living in the glamour capitol of the world. He may as well be whistling “Dixie.”


Jacqueline Kerr

Los Angeles


What was the point of “Hollywood Would Be City of Great Extremes” (June 9)? If it was to discredit the secession effort, it did just the opposite by detailing problems that have only worsened under L.A. rule. They are among the very reasons why separatists believe it would be in Hollywood’s best interests to divorce L.A.

Of course a Hollywood city would be one of diverse cultures and lifestyles, crime and peace, rich and poor, etc. So would a new Valley city. So, now, is Los Angeles. On the other hand, you would think that if both Hollywood and the Valley break away, the remaining citizens of a much smaller Los Angeles should receive proportionally fewer excuses and improved service from politicians and bureaucrats who could no longer blame size for the city’s struggle to keep them safe and meet their needs. If properly done, secession could be a win-win-win situation.

Tim Bornheimer

Los Angeles


I would like to go on record as the first person to propose independent city status for Silver Lake. And since I said it first, I get to be mayor.


Stacey Rain Strickler

Silver Lake
