
Bush Demands Democracy in Cuba

Re “Bush Extends Hand to Cubans,” May 20: I was interested to hear President Bush tell Cuba how its country should be run as a condition for trade with the U.S. How is it that the same message has not been sent to countries also known for human rights violations and nondemocratic governments, i.e. Saudi Arabia, China, Vietnam, etc., with which we now trade?

Judy B. Rosener

Newport Beach


Sitting on, typing on, surrounded by, indeed almost suffocated by an avalanche of products from Communist China, I write to ask why our president wants to embargo Cuba. He claims it will force Castro to open up to democracy. So shouldn’t he want to embargo China for the same reason? Or, should he just hang tough for those Florida votes--and confirm his indifference to integrity.

J. B. Thomas

Arroyo Grande
