
Peterson Case Links Abortion and Murder

Re “Abortion, Murder and the Law,” Commentary, April 25: Thank you, Walter Larimore, for reminding the public that there is no difference between murdering a child in the womb or if the mother chooses, one or two years after birth. The Scott Peterson case reminds us of what many of us pro-lifers believe, that all human life is sacred.

The Rev. Val Zdilla

Santa Clarita


Larimore doesn’t follow his logic to the ultimate conclusion. If killing any living thing is wrong, then Peterson, if convicted, should not be put to death by the state either.

Does Larimore believe that killing is justified only for the cause of revenge?

Lewis Chapp

Bridgewater, N.J.


Larimore is to be commended for writing so logical and so concise an article on the plight of the unborn in this country. I can only assume that most Americans are ignorant of the ugly details regarding the partial-birth abortion procedure described in his commentary. Why else would such a benevolent society on the issue of human rights permit the wanton destruction of the most innocent among us?


Socorro Varela

Los Angeles
