
We’re All Knocking on Heaven’s Door

“Oh-My-God! This Is It?” (editorial, Nov. 30) seemed to miss the obvious possibility that our opinions and feelings have no bearing on our entering an eternally good place. Do our opinions and feelings get us into or out of a particular afterlife scenario? It is interesting to consider the broad spectrum of the where and how people will spend their afterlives, but you left out the option of not having a choice. It seems 64% of people polled are confident that they are going to a good place. If there is a God who has authority to set criteria for that better place, what makes them so confident that they have any say? If God is God, he would have that say, and maybe they should not be so confident in their opinions. Years ago a pastor told me, “We’ll be equally surprised by who is there and by who is not.” I concur.

Ed Compean

La Gloria, Baja Calif.
