
Ex-Councilman Gets Restitution Delay

From a Times Staff Writer

A former Moorpark school board member who came up short in his restitution efforts in a grand theft case was given a two-month delay Monday.

Chris Evans, who also once served on the City Council, still owes $11,000 of the final $48,000 he agreed to repay a former employer, so a Los Angeles County Superior Court judge gave him until Feb. 23 to complete payments.

“He’s paid $37,000 and I’m sure he’s going to be able to take care of the balance long before it’s due,” Evans’ attorney, Alan Baum, said Monday, his client’s original date of sentencing.


Baum worked out a deal last summer whereby Evans agreed to repay more than $52,000 and receive three years’ probation. On Aug. 21, Evans pleaded no contest to grand theft and resigned from the Moorpark Unified School District board.
